Naimesh Galsar Apps

UPryce 1.0.0
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Gemrap 1.0
GemRap is a membership-based website createdby a jeweler/appraiser (GIA Graduate Gemologist), offered to otherjewelers, jewelry retailers and wholesalers, and appraisersalike.“GemRap” is derived from a combination of two ideas combined intoone: offering a centralized website for the publication ofappraisals and reports of GEMOLOGICAL VALUES to be shared amongthose experts in the field in an easy or familiar manner, otherwiseknown as RAPPING. Thus, jewelers and appraisers, as members ofGEMRAP, would use GEMRAP.COM to extend their practice, field,expertise, or work into offering their clients and customers acentralized and localized secure method of accessing theirappraisals or reports online and sharing such information by way ofan appraisal or report number (acting as a login username) and aconfidential, report-specific access code (acting as a loginpassword) to access and share such details of the report orappraisal with others.GemRap is the key in raising standards for appraisers nationwidein providing excellence in appraisal services while protectingconsumers.GemRap services are truly unrivaled when it comes to securedonline services, quality and accessibility, whether it is forappraisals or reports. Thanks to a unique and proprietarycustom-designed software, GemRap is proud to be the first and onlyprovider of online accessibility to jewelry appraisals and reports.This exclusive GemRap Patent Pending platform provides its membersand authorized third parties online access to copies of the sameappraisals and reports with access to additional, high-quality andmulti-angle digital images and 360° Animation of themerchandise.Our unique online access features allow for various benefits toGemRap members and authorized third-parties, including:Allowing a report or appraisal owner to have access toduplicates in case of a loss or theft;Allowing a report or appraisal owner to access multiple pictures ofdiamonds, gem and/or jewelry;Providing insurance companies access to appraisals and reports foritems subject to a loss claim; andProviding GemRap members to offer customers these same addedbenefits.GemRap is proud to offer its new and existing members andappraisers alike expanded services in jewelry appraisals, andreports.
Torpedo Comics 1.0.0
Welcome to For those ofyouwho are new to comic book collecting, it is our utmost pleasuretoinduct you into this amazing and eclectic enterprise. Forthosemore familiar with the industry, we’re confident you willexpandand improve your passion for the hobby as we strive to do thesame.At, it is our goal to provide a permanenthomefor collectors of all genres of pop culture, and at the sametime,acquaint our customers to new and varied interests. Ourprimarygoal is to make comic book collecting affordable for anybudget.Therefore, in addition to our current vast inventorycatalogued onour homepage, we created the revolutionary "Monolith"section,where you will find millions of comic books in stock fortheunbeatable price of .99 cents everyday! In theory, this lowpricefacilitates our customers to expand their collectinghorizons;discovering new titles and enjoying new adventures at apricethat’s both affordable and significantly lower thanindustrystandards.We have spent years building the most advanced search engineincomic collecting history. Affectionately entitled “Diesel,” youmaysearch our vast inventory with an unprecedented 11 tiersearchcriteria including title, issue number, cover date, artist,writer,inker,cover artist, publisher, main character or team,secondarycharacteror team, and price.In order to serve our customers better, we will strivetocontinuously improve, so please take note ofnewsections every time you visit our site. In effect, we willmonitorand expand our inventory and selection at a rapid pace as wegoalong, and we encourage you to check our site frequently andmakesuggestions that will improve our burgeoning business.Enjoy the site, browse our ever-evolving inventory, and feelfreeto visit often. You will discover something new every time,withcomics and collectibles ranging from 1938 to present.Thank you for being a loyal fan of,John Dolmayan and Staff